The Best advice on How to build a Successful Photography Business
There are even short courses that provide, not only the reading material and notes, but professional advice and camera gear, providing great opportunities for practical application and camera choice when you are ready to buy your camera. A great teacher is everything.
What Requirements are necessary to become a Professional Photographer
Consider that with any skill, training is required which is often costly and takes time, thereafter, you will need to have a budget of equipment and the necessary camera gear to do the job effectively. Finally, there is the marketing, this is actually where you build awareness and a client base for your business.
How to Choose the Right Camera Lens for your Photography
Entering into the world of photography can be quite daunting when it comes to buying the right camera gear and lenses that meet your budget and requirements.
Learn about Photography as a Career Opportunity during Youth Month
The usual question… can I make a living as a Photographer? The answer is YES. Most photographers either run their own businesses and work for themselves, while others prefer a more regular and salaried agency styled job, the choice is yours, and what best suits your situation and personality drive.
Simple Tips for Photographing Real Estate
Videos have a 12 times greater share rate than stills, there is reason for this. Clients build more leads which results in qualified conversions across all platforms.
How to best use your camera when shooting into bright sunlight
Often when taking photographs where the background is very bright and the subject in the foreground is dark and underexposed, or for that matter the other way around, is an easy fix.
Making Shooting in Manual Easy in three simple steps
So remember, the quicker you are able to apply this sequence, the sooner you are able to add 95% of your attention to what you are shooting, and 5 percent to the camera settings. So, let’s get to it…
If you still having any concerns regarding these settings and steps provided, or wish to explore and take your photography further, I suggest you consider enrolling for a short photography course or workshop just to "polish up" your skills and confidence and of course meet like minded people to bounce great ideas with.
Learning Photography The Easy Way
This will lead to how much you need to learn in order to grasp the confidence from the start without wasting time and getting frustrated with poor results.
How to do a Light Test in Studio for Beginner Photographers
As a photographer, I am having to transform my experience and skills into this world change in order to keep up with the trends and services that I provide on a professional level, from growing the photography studio into a video production space with all the necessary lighting gear, to the actual technical side of shooting video content.
How to Select the Right Photography School
Individual photography classes, or gain those with a small class compliment are normally designed to focus on each student with great attention to hands on training and personal understanding as to what each student intends to accomplish from the workshop or course. Many of the larger schools or colleges do not offer this.
How to Take Photographs in Bright Sunlight
References also prove to be helpful as to where to best position the subject, and where the light source comes from, in terms planning the outcome of the shot you wish to capture.
Portrait Photography
Portrait photography workshop on lighting and flash techniques in a full studio setup.
How to Photograph Jewelry Professionally
Understand, the different lighting setups and have the correct lenses and gear on hand for photography jewelry.
The Importance of understanding your camera settings and features
Most cameras provide a choice of shooting in either manual or automatic. From the start, let me suggest you spend some quality time understanding how to shoot in manual as opposed to automatic. Cameras today are not cheap, so when you own a camera understand how to use it in order to get the most out of the features and in turn, great results.
Lighting & Application for Flash Photography
Learn how to use your digital camera and save with a spring discount on our Photography Workshop for Beginners.
Portrait Photography
Portrait photography workshop on lighting and flash techniques in a full studio setup.
Flash & Lighting
Photography workshop on flash and lighting techniques with the Speedlite flash in a full studio setup.
Fashion Photography
Fashion photography workshop on lighting and flash techniques in a full studio setup with a professional model.