We are all still very unsure as to the way 2022 will pan out. One certainty, is the fact that things have really changed in the way we run our lives and expectations. The likes of Facebook has initiated the Meta Universe. This is scary, but without doubt, seems the way things are going. It is therefore our responsibility to plan ahead in an attempt to avoid being left in the dark. I am going to prove to you, that considering a career in photography is a great idea.

Here are the facts the prove my theory:

Knowledge and Technology

Many people believe that owning a mobile device makes you a photographer. This theory is true for some, however, to be a professional photographer, you need experience and knowledge in this field. The same applies in all professions. A photographer will need to understand how the camera works. Not only are the settings important, but understanding light is key to achieving the correct shot. Last, but not least, compensation and editing plays an important role in understanding the client brief and executing a successful treatment. Being competent as a photographer, opens doors to working confidently within the “tech world,” as it provides opportunities to stay abreast with growth. This is vital, in order to succeed in our life time and not be left behind.

Setup cost and the ability to work independently

Finding a job, you enjoy doing is a challenge. In fact, finding a job that is stable and pays the bills is an even bigger challenge. If you are creative, or enjoy taking photos, why not give it try as a career… You will be working for yourself, and therefore you will not have a boss to answer too. The only person who will be listening to is the client and yourself. Having the right equipment is all that you will need, and if you can’t afford the gear, you rent it. You have one startup cost which is minimal, and then you ready to start finding clients and start snapping. You are also able to work solo without employing staff, so your overheads are low. You are charging for your time, without any setup costs, you are flexible to work and plan your day as you wish. As you are the photographer, you also have the option to cover many different genres, so there is always work, and therefore, food on the table.

The ability to have a profession with diverse advantages

No more suit and tie or dress code. You are the boss., the client is interested in your skills and talent, not your dress code. Just be professional and be able to deliver to brief. Being a photographer provides great opportunity to travel and see the world, as well as to meet new and interesting people. As a professional photographer, I have been able to travel the world extensively, something I have always dreamt of doing while being paid. I also have an interest in people and cultures and what makes them “tick”. Photography has afforded me this opportunity to which I am very humbled and grateful. I now give back by providing photography courses and workshops to other likeminded people as well as continue to be creative in my delivery.

To be in demand as a key player in E-commerce

Final note, should you still be in doubt over making money in photography as a profession, look at the growth in e-commerce as a world trend that is only growing. Without boring you about this, understand, that every product is online for the consumer. All these products need to be captured… this will definitely keep you busy if you at a loose end or prefer a regular genre. Remember you earn per click, and each product has a few angles that need to be captured.


Finally, let me say, there is room for us all out there, just follow your bliss.