The 35mm DSLR verses The medium format Camera
There are basically 2 types of cameras available that most professional photographers use for commercial photo shoots, either a 35mm digital camera, or a larger sensor medium format option. Depending on the level of photography, and the end use of the image by the client, one can determine which option is best.
Today, both options offer high end quality, functionality and build. Both are costly as they are designed for capturing high end images for commercial and professional use, but unfortunately these top end devices come a with a huge price tag. Professional photographers that shoot for online clients, generally do not have a need to invest in the medium format option, as the end user will not see the detail and resolution generated through the medium format camera. The medium format specs are designed for hi end print requirements such as billboards for commercial advertisers, as well as those photographers whose work ends up on the walls of galleries without losing quality. The 35mm camera cannot match this size, but is however more versatile to the needs of most pro photographers.
Advantages of a Medium Format Camera
As I mentioned the basic differences of this camera to the 35mm camera, the medium format offers the following:
The Sensor
A larger sensor, which will guarantee a better image quality. A larger sensor offers a high pixel count, or resolution of between 50 – 100 million, as well as pixels that are larger than those of a 35mm camera sensor. Again, this will only benefit certain photographers that service a specific market. The sensor size of a 35mm DSLR is a lot smaller, normally around 24x36mm in size. An example of a top end medium format camera is the Hasselblad H6D. Another great and newest addition is the Fuji GFX100s. Before you view these cameras, brace yourself, they certainly are not cheap.
The Lenses
Note that what I have touched on is just the camera body. What makes the image true to life in terms of quality is the lens. The lenses for medium format bodies are different to those that are used on the 35mm camera bodies. Firstly, the glass quality is excellent and designed for this format, and secondly, the cost of the lenses is high, as most are fixed prime lenses. So, should you require a few lenses for the various genres you shoot, be prepared to dig deep into your pocket. Finally, I want to emphasise that they are worth every cent and the quality cannot be matched. My advice is testing the lens first before making the invested choice in order to ensure all is as you imagined.
Rates for Photographers Shooting on medium Format
For those photographers that have the opportunity to shoot medium format, they can charge a lot more for their services. This is more specialised, where nothing out there compares as a substitute to achieve the same result. Most pro photographers shoot on 35mm professional cameras with good lenses, so the medium format option is niche and therefore the rates demanded are more.
So whether you are a photographer shooting commercially for clients, or you are the person exhibiting large prints in galleries in the form of art, this is the first choice to staying ahead of the pack, but again, it comes as a cost and is a true investment. So, to end off on this note, if you shooting something like bill boards, point of sale retail advertising material, or even wall paper images, this is the format of choice above all else.