Learn How to Photograph your Products like a Pro
Using your mobile phone is not the answer, not if you have high expectations and expect your product sales to grow.
Dying Trends for Photographers in 2022
a good photograph is all-about capturing what you see, over editing the image by using too many apps or plug ins is out for 2022
Understanding Aperture, The Easy Way for Photographers
For most newbie photographers that are crossing over from the automatic to the manual option, Aperture is one of the most important settings that need to be properly understood.
How Buying a lens on impulse turned me into a Professional Photographer
I needed to start saving money for a better lens with better glass. The fact was that lenses were expensive… and still are. I also begun to realise that it was all about the lens and the body was secondary. People often get this confused.
Why 2022 is The Perfect Time to Become a Professional Photographer
Photography is a way of the future for all online businesses, as images need to be photographed to be sold. Today it is all visual from the brand to the people behind the brand. Photography communicates this, which justifies a need for professional photographers.
Making sure you buy right camera for you on Black Friday
Invest in a short workshop on how cameras work. There are many short workshops that will not only provided cameras, but identify what best suits for your needs. This would be the most affordable and sensible decision as a start.
What is the best Lighting for taking Great Photographs?
There are many products and brands to choose from, all with different purposes and price tags, so make sure you have done your research, had some practical experience working with lighting and asked all the right questions.
Learn the most important Steps to Professional Model Photography
Remember big shoots for big brands cost money, and involve much planning and responsibility, so understand what is required and maintain focus in order to be successful.
The Importance of a Great Head shot
The type of photographer that is best for this kind of work, is a portrait photographer. A professional portrait photographer is one that that understands lighting and composition in order to bring out the best in their subject. This would be from aesthetics, to the mood that needs to be portrayed for the desired headshot.
The Best advice on How to build a Successful Photography Business
There are even short courses that provide, not only the reading material and notes, but professional advice and camera gear, providing great opportunities for practical application and camera choice when you are ready to buy your camera. A great teacher is everything.
Why Medium Format Cameras are best for Professional Photography
So whether you are a photographer shooting commercially for clients, or you are the person exhibiting large prints in galleries in the form of art, this is the first choice to staying ahead of the pack
The Real reasons Why the Smartphone will never replace DSLR Camera
What you are not informed about, are the true facts and limitations of your what you get from your mobile camera. Advertisers, like in very industry fail to disclose all the facts, focusing more on your expectations and what you want to hear.
What Requirements are necessary to become a Professional Photographer
Consider that with any skill, training is required which is often costly and takes time, thereafter, you will need to have a budget of equipment and the necessary camera gear to do the job effectively. Finally, there is the marketing, this is actually where you build awareness and a client base for your business.
The Importance of Learning Photography on a One to One Level
For individuals that feel overwhelmed, or for those that say “I’m too old”, or “it’s too complicated to start learning all these settings” is actually a fallacy. Like everything in life, transparency and communication is key to accomplishment. I would like to suggest the following to all in a few simple steps.
Simple Tips on How Best to Photograph Flowers during Spring
For the everyday amateur photographer, it is about “having the eye”. It is all about the way you see the subject that you are shooting, the way the light catches it, and of course, your composition and style to make your photograph standout from the norm.
What Camera is Best for my Photography in 2021
Take note and understand that different devices have settings for different crops and aspect ratios, so learn and use the correct aspect radio according to where you intend to post the image. If you ignore this and just snap away, you might find either your images are too large in size, or they get automatically get cropped when posted, or even they might need to have been composed portrait, rather than landscape.
The Importance of Great Photography to Showcase your Business
Business owners have realized that to survive they need to have a presence online, which means accessibility to their stores or online websites, and more importantly, they need to rank on the first page in order to receive enquiries to drive sales and build clients and databases.
Tips when Hiring the Perfect Photography Studio
One of the main considerations when hiring a photo studio is budget verses the clients brief and their expectations. As a photographer, it is important that you know what you are hiring is suitable for the job otherwise things can go badly wrong and cost you the client or your profit margin.
How to Choose the Right Camera Lens for your Photography
Entering into the world of photography can be quite daunting when it comes to buying the right camera gear and lenses that meet your budget and requirements.
Celebrating your Baby Shower through Great Photography
Not only does the family need to plan the baby shower, but the photographer will need to ensure that all is executed smoothly and meets their approval