Tips on how to photograph food
Although taking pictures of food looks really easy, it’s not that straight forward unless you are well versed and experienced with lighting and that you understand what the client requires.
Taking Photographs in the rain and getting great results
There are a few pointers on the “preparation list” before you venture out, that being, take an umbrella to keep yourself and your camera gear dry, and rain free.
Teens Photography Short Courses
Learn the features and how your camera settings work in order to take command and be creative in your photography.
The Reasons why we need to Know How and When to Edit Photographs
Are you a photographer or an artist of some kind? Once you can answer this question you will have an overall understand of the purpose of editing.
The Importance of a Great Portrait Photography
From models to actors, from family to corporate, the look needs to be encompassed in the photograph and needs to be displayed across all the various looks for each image. Not being at ease at the shoot will deplete one’s confidence as well as your ability to perform naturally or in a professional manner to suit the brief.
The Importance of understanding your camera settings and features
Most cameras provide a choice of shooting in either manual or automatic. From the start, let me suggest you spend some quality time understanding how to shoot in manual as opposed to automatic. Cameras today are not cheap, so when you own a camera understand how to use it in order to get the most out of the features and in turn, great results.
How to prepare you for your photoshoot
Models and actors alike need more than just the looks, they need to show expression and display the mood that is required for the look and the style of the shoot as well as adhere to the requirements of the brief.
Lighting set ups made simple to photograph portraits professionally
Many photographers assume that shooting portraiture requires an in-depth knowledge of lighting as well as a large budget for lighting gear and studio set up. Well the good news is that this is definitely not true. A portable home studio setup aided by simple speedlite flash heads will do the trick.
How to plan a photographic exhibition and generate sales.
We share similar dreams and goals to be on the walls of a famous and credible gallery where like-minded critics and art consumers appreciate and commend you on your work. Follow the right steps and plan properly and you could be one of the fortunate people to reach their dreams.
Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Photography Service Provider
They say images speak thousand words and if that is so, then professional photographers know how to tell stories through images. Clicking photos on your own might not get you the perfect clarity and quality as provided by the professional photographers.
How to become a Professional Photographer in 2020
It is not always about the qualifications, it is about you and your portfolio. Qualifications does not mean you are a good photographer, you either have an eye or you don’t. At the end of the day, your eye, your ability to communicate professionally and deliver, along with great marketing and an impressive portfolio will get you to the places you want to go. It’s a wonderful career, look at it like a holiday, be passionate and open to learn and experiment every day and the money will come. My suggestion is a short practical course that meets your requirements.
Taking photos in the winter time in Cape Town
I do not suggest you walk into the first camera shop you see, nor order from the first camera online site, this is a risk and could change your personal beliefs forever in terms of being a photographer. What the box reads is not always accurate, remember the supplier as well as the manufacturer and the sales person is trying to make a sale. Google provides all the information you require to make the best choice that will fit within your budget and deliver the results you want at the end of the day. Take the time to do some research and read the reviews, the ratings, the pros and the cons.
What Camera gear do I really need to become a photographer
I do not suggest you walk into the first camera shop you see, nor order from the first camera online site, this is a risk and could change your personal beliefs forever in terms of being a photographer. What the box reads is not always accurate, remember the supplier as well as the manufacturer and the sales person is trying to make a sale. Google provides all the information you require to make the best choice that will fit within your budget and deliver the results you want at the end of the day. Take the time to do some research and read the reviews, the ratings, the pros and the cons.
Improve your photography during lockdown
As a professional photographer, or someone who just enjoys perfecting their skills and discovering new ways to capture the images they desire, lockdown is the perfect time to learn. Photography is one of those disciplines that is personalized to your choice of genre and can be done alone, meaning it is achievable without the assistance from others.