It can seem to be a tad intimidating shooting in a full-fledged photography studio. A great deal of photographers opt to shoot outdoors because of monetary/budget restrictions and also being weary of stepping into a studio. However, there are a plethora of undeniable benefits when it comes to shooting in a studio and they can both apply to new and experienced photographers. If you haven’t had the opportunity to try shooting in a studio.. We highly recommend the experience, and benefits that accompany it!        

Renting a photography studio offers you particular set of amenities that you just can’t get outdoors. Seeing as though not everyone is able to afford owning a studio outright, it just makes the world of sense to just rather hire one whenever you need it.

Completely Controlled Environment 

The best advantage of shooting in a rental studio instead of outside is the control you’re able to have over each aspect of the production. Outdoors you have to concern over temperature, rain, wind, and each other environmental element that can be possibly thrown your way. Everything down to the light can be unforseen and unpredictable.

When shooting in a photo studio environment you’re subsequently sheltered from all those environmental variables and can enjoy having full control. You’re able to maintain consistency throughout, irrespective of how long it takes. Your light can stay the same from early in the morning all the way through to midnight if that’s what is needed.

You’re also able to enjoy complete control of your backgrounds and don’t have to travel any distance to get from location to location. You can also include whatever elements you want; for the most part, on location you don’t have such luxuries. You shoot what is already there, however in a studio, you can create and orchestrate your own setting from scratch.

Props And Equipment

Generally when photographers think about adding variety to their portfolio they immediately tend to start thinking about outdoor settings and such. Various destinations and locations present you with different looks; this may be true, BUT shooting in a studio space certainly doesn’t have to mean being constrained to only shooting on seamless paper or other uninspired looks.

Part of the appeal in using a studio is understanding how to effectively use key elements to add texture, color, and composition to your images in a way that expresses whatever mood and idea you are after. You can completely fake an outdoor image by staging it in a clever way and shooting it in the studio. You don’t have to travel enormous distances to exotic locations just to get the look and feel you are after 

photo studio comforts

in your portfolio. With a bit of imagination and some innovation you can create a simple set that will translate all those same qualities of a desired setting and or ambiance, but all the while shot in the studio.

Furthermore, the majority of good professional studios come equipped with professional gear and equipment. Usually this sort of gear and equipment may be well out of the budget of a lot of photographers, however studios usually rent out eq

uipment for a small fee, which gives you even more additional creative freedom to try out and play around with all types of gear you may not normally have access to. Lastly, there is also the advantage of not having to carry and move expensive equipment and gear around from location to location.


Renting a photography studio for your production and photo needs also comes with some really decent comforts and ‘luxuries’. There’s usually a kitchen area where you’re able to make coffee and a bite to eat if you’re feeling peckish throughout the day. Studios are generally located close to restaurants and other amenities where food and drink is easily available. Most places are climate controlled too so you can dial in the exact temperature you want with aircon as part of the comforts.

Outdoors you may have to deal with unbearably hot conditions, or on the other side of the temperature spectrum, bitterly cold winds. Also, there might not be any comfortable seating or any food or drink nearby either. You may find yourself having to make a mission through treacherous terrain for some time, whphotography studio change roomere you might even run the risk of damaging equipment in the process.

Essentially, renting a studio presents you with a comfortable location where your mind can stay focused on creating high-quality work with no external concerns or distractions. All people involved in the shoot can stay comfortable the entire day.

Experienced Help

If you haven’t been exposed to studio environments or experience shooting in one, the notion can seem somewhat intimidating. The majority of studio owners  though,, are highly experienced photographers, proficient in all settings and more than eager to lend a help hand. They’re there to answer your questions and offer some guidance if you need it.

Hiring a studio space can be just as much a learning experience as it is a space to create. Studio owners have a wealth of knowledge. They have seen just about everything. Photographers from all genres and experience levels bring with them bits and pieces of knowledge that the studio owner absorbs and learns over time through observing and having conversations. They pick up on various lighting techniques, tips and tricks of the trade, and even savvy business advice. Going to a studio can be your chance to strike up a conversation with the owner or the staff and pick their brains for some of this information.

Most owners and staff are also on hand to help with using equipment. It can be a great way to receive a quick crash course about how to properly and effectively use various lights and modifiers. Shooting in a studio can be a great way to bounce around ideas with other creatives and get inspired for projects.

Check out our studio at DLPHOTO to rent and hire out!